Wednesday, November 19, 2008

God's Will Be Done

Man, I'm in a good mood today. The sun is shining; everything is great. Totally different from yesterday. Ah, that's the way I am. A roller-coaster of emotions. Always.

I am facing the possibility of being pregnant this month. *Deep breath. Smile. Deep breath* Not sure how I feel about that. It's a little crazy.

I've been saying for months -- years actually -- that four was all I'd be having. And yet, the Lord has His own way of getting His own way. Crazy. And yet, I always trust Him. Always.

The fact is, I'm a control freak, but I hate feeling responsible for things. So I'd much rather let somebody else make the decisions. I'd much rather leave it in the Lord's hands. Typically, I give Him my list of what I want, He allows me the top two items, and we end up tossing out the rest.

I will accept His will. This will be difficult, but I know that in the end, I'll be happy.

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