Saturday, October 25, 2008


Passion describes giving over oneself with complete abandon. And yet, it also entails profound suffering.

It is joyous suffering to give yourself completely to another person. It’s wonderful because in giving, we fulfill the very meaning and purpose of our lives. It hurts because there is always a fear there that we may never get ourselves back. And that other person might not give himself in return.

To love someone – to truly love someone – requires passion. A willingness, an aching to give, give, give – inexhaustibly – every treasure that you claim as your own, even unto your very life! For what gift is more precious than life itself?

Deep love comes when your sole desire is for the other person’s well-being. When all your focus is to pour goodness into that other person’s life, you know are truly choosing to love.

If loving a person means repeatedly explaining yourself when you’re certain he may never understand, explain yourself once again, with tenderness and patience.

If loving a person means calling out to him day after day, with no reply, although you know he hears you, call out to him again, with a gentle voice that welcomes.

If loving a person means revealing all of your hopes and dreams and desires when you know he may again laugh at your ridiculousness and refuse to share any dreams of his own because he gave up hope way too early in life, pull back the veil and expose yourself even more, inviting him again to look upon you and see your beauty.

Passion – it gives meaning to our sufferings. It enables us to give beyond reason. To give and ever hope that the gift will be returned.

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